The New Wallpaper?

 Re-Decorating - Stop before you spend too much!

Are you like me in the process of re-decorating? Have you spent the past few days, weeks, months trying to think of a really creative way to add some cool statement walls into your design.

Well I think I'm one of the lucky ones as I've found a really cool alternative to the typical paint or wallpaper solutions that are the norm.

That's right I found a solution to adding the wow factor to my walls and it's not going to cost me the £98 PER ROLL that I my girlfriend was struggling to justify to me, as we tried in vain to pick from a shortlist of rather expensive yet very cool designer wallpapers.

What is it... Designer Wall stickers

That's right, in one last ditch attempt to find an alternative, I stumbled upon designer wall stickers or wall decals as they are known in America. These are extremely cool, wall stickers made from thin vinyl plastics that have been cut out into patterns or cool graphical shapes and can be easily applied to your walls!

There are a number of pros for me, in particular the main one being that I get bored of looking at the same colours and designs very quickly making these ideal because once you've had enough of them, you can simply peel them off the wall again and they won't leave a single mark! That's right they are non-destructive and only use their natural static cling to stick to your walls there are no adhesives that will tear off pieces of your plaster or paintwork! This also makes them ideal if your renting an apartment and don't want to have the landlord to answer to when your eventually moving out!

The other is their price! Some of the coolest and largest designs that I've seen cost as little £85.

That's remarkable cheaper than the 4 rolls of designer wallpaper we would have required equaling just under £400 and that's without the wallpaper paste, brushes, time!

Time that's something we all are in short supply of too and applying these beauties certainly won't take you all weekend to do and you won't need to get in the professionals as anyone should be able to apply these stickers its really simple. If your stuck or worried you'd have problems just log onto and search for "applying wall decals" there are tons of video tutorials that can give you handy hints on how to get them onto your walls in no time!

I've been that bowled over by them that I've decided to let everyone I can know about them. Hence this article but also I've scoured the web and listed all of the best sites to buy these from in my blog. So if your looking for inspiration why don't you logon and take a look at the gallery too there are tons of new wall stickers to whet your appetites!

You want to appear adventurous yet you think it's going to cost you too much. How does one achieve dramatic interior design results without breaking the bank? You want to make your friends gasp and be impressed by your daring and your innovative ideas and your impressive and soulful profile. Well, the best way to effect swooning in those around you while still leaving you enough to buy several examples of the better single malts is to invest in some self-adhesive vinyl wall stickers.

Still the preserve of the better informed interior designer and those lucky few that happen to stumble across this secretive world, wall stickers offer huge interior design benefits for a very modest outlay. It still surprises me to find that relatively few people know about wall stickers, they have been available for a good many years now and are hugely popular in France. An enormous number of designs are available online, but try and find them in the high street and you're likely to be disappointed.

Retailers tend to be conservative; they are reluctant to take the plunge and stock something innovative if no one else will. Somebody has to be the first! Look at motorised skate boards and throwing stars. Other excuses offered by timid shopkeepers include the shoplifting risk, the lack of an easy display method, low profit per square foot, too cheap, too dear, doesn't fit in with existing range, please get out of my shop. It's no wonder there are still homes out there papered in woodchip. Wall stickers remain a marginal product known only to the elect.

The majority are missing out. No other interior design solution can compare to wall stickers; they are easy to apply (I've put them up drunk), last forever (so far), inexpensive in relation to the impact they provide and compared to wallpaper don't require the removal of furniture and carpets when installing. If you've had enough of that silhouetted forest in your sitting room you can just peel it off, it will leave the paint behind and now you're ready for that flock of birds and the stags head.

Having spoken to many people who've bought and applied wall stickers in their homes, or for clients in a wide range of commercial settings the response is always the sam e They look fantastic, they went up in no time and everyone who sees them is suitably impressed


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